Updates and Ramblings by yours truly

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Last friday I went to Huejotzing, Pue. for the town's annual fair.

Since the celebration coincides with rainy season, I was surprised how many people braved the torrential rain, streets-turned-lakes and overall cold to party hard.

The fair was an interesting mix of drunken stupidity (people drinking 40s looking to fight) and innocent fun (24hr church visits and carnival games). We basically wandered around, watched some bands, then got our eat on. What I love most about small towns is the food -- yummy assorted tacos and drinks. We managed to feed 7 hungry people (including 4 big guys, mind you) on $12. Here is a picture of Daniela and Sagrario chowing down.

Next up, we found our way to the fireworks. When I mean to the fireworks, i mean a few feet away from where they were lighting them! While I feared for my life and for the lives of those around me, nobody even blinked. To add to the excitement, two men consistently risked their lives to climb the scaffolding and light the fireworks display (see pic). I did see a few worried looks when poorly-fastened fireworks came flying into the crowd, but overall people were having a great time.

Afterwards, we headed back to Omar's house for more drunken debauchery.


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