Updates and Ramblings by yours truly

Monday, July 24, 2006

Thoughts, anyone?

I am just becoming acquainted with the wonderful world of MBA bloggers, but thought I would ask my reading public for advice first (I'm just a spectator in the league for now). Here is what I'd like to know:

1. Should I apply to Stanford (a reach, but still a dream) or devote those resources ($ for application fee and time on essays) to another school I'm more likely to get into?

2. Any thoughts on the following schools? I don't know enough about them to know whether to consider them or not:
- Tuck School at Dartmouth
- Indiana U
- Ohio State

3. Any advice on what to look for and consider when picking schools? There's always the usual (cost, location, specialization, etc.), but are there any less conventional considerations I should keep an eye out for on my visits and interviews?

4. Know anybody at any of my target schools that I could talk to? (see the complete list in a previous post). Any help is much appreciated.

5. Know of any b-school scholarships I might be eligible for?


Blogger This was once a regular blog but, after six said...

You could talk with Lloyd Nimetz, ex-ILI Latin America (Olivia's predecessor) who founded Help Argentina. Am sure you know of him at least. He just chose Stanford over HBS so he must have some great perspective...

Hope you're doing well. I'm going to grad school in Boston this Fall so if you find yourself there, look me up. It'd be nice to meet again.

1:17 PM


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